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Somethings not right code

what do you mean

is anyone here


yes :) any help needed?

hi im new here

it only works if ur not on a unblocker which i wasnt able to do until i managed to disable securly

now i get why it doesnt work

just a gray screen now btw does this thing need flash


it doesnt work for me at all on web

AxelOrozco2 months ago

it’s an updated version that has more things than the scratch version

i cant exit the maps or do freeplay!


idk why im playing this i got this on my phone

did you just put btd6 on itch io? not complaining

it’s an updated version that has more things than the scratch version


Deleted 1 year ago

im a bit confused about how boss bloons work cuz they're not spawning on round 40,60,80

the spawn the final round-100

when is next update?

as soon as i can publish it

doesnt work


like, the loading screen never loads and also it lags ALOT on my computer when its "loading in" i tryed twice both windows and chrome and all my tabs reload

My pc is a potato but it runs good enough

like, the loading screen never loads and also it lags ALOT on my computer when its "loading in" i tryed twice both windows and chrome and all my tabs reload

i have decided to release the build ive been working on as beta. play it here and report any bugs you find.


t'is a real good game, innit?

notice the t'5s and it's only round 35?

Nerfs  Nerfs lol coming soon

that glitch is weird cuz I forgot to add when play game, stop this script lmao


how do i play lych? if you cant can you do a quick boss select update?

click the boss bloon button. a randomly generated boss will be selected. if you want to choose another boss, just click the flag agian.

next update i will add a quick selecter

my cousin told me that Microsoft edge is way better at running browser games than chrome does, so I recommend you try it.


bro I use opera gx lol

opera is mid lol prob cuz I got used to chrome 

Deleted 118 days ago

why is it taking so long to load, is the loading screen at the begenning acutally just sorting game data and compileing the sorted data then running the compiled data?

nvm i was using a proxy, when i loaded the html file in regular chrome it worked fine.

what did you think of the game?


Its a wonderful game.

thank you :)

Deleted 1 year ago

yes it is decoding.

if you want to we can chit chat on discord and/or show you my game's progress

alr we can do that later on in today

what time? like a scheduled meeting

on second thought not today… we can dado Thursday at 4:00 central time

but im not home till around 4:15 so a little later after that

actually since you are 2 hours ahead of me in time, id have to see you at 2:00  pm and thats while im in school, so i can still chat but only through text...










how long do you think all this would take? (post-release of beast handler)

a few months

a lot of art i have to draw + reworking all towers, new bloon types and stuff

(1 edit)

See the garbled mess of numbers and string in the custom block?

thats actually code, so i made a system that decodes these codes.

The codes are for the spike factories attack speed, 'b_' means base tower so the base attack speed is 1.75, and then the numbers before the '_' is the level that changes it, for example 15 is 5xx and 35 is xx5. the '#' followed by a number represent previous string separated by commas. if you did b_5,11_#1/2 you would get 5 if your tower is 0-0-0 but 2.5 if your tower is 1-0-0. You can do operators like + - * / to change the attack speed using math. This allows me to package all upgrades into a single block. pretty cool right?

theres a small mistake in the image, i forgot to define the level for the ",#1*.7" so x2x wouldn't do anything but this is a super simple fix i just need to add 22_ before it and done!


tip: if you want to be able to use your PC at school here's an awesome trick, first sign in to your school account on chrome on your PC, then setup chrome remote desktop extension for that account, finally connect to your PC by going to chrome remote desktop site or app on your school computer and open up the settings to change it to your liking! I suggest using VP9 and setting to 60fps for best response time.



did it work?


both cool and simple. Nice!

captain churchill is too THICC


to download the html file to play without wifi, download using this link:

where can I get the html file?

click download

thanks ur html was blocked how I can make my own Ill credit you and everything


your project on scratch has surpassed me on views, yet my project is substantially better in terms of content, art, and code, don't judge a book by it's cover!

im sorry i cant stay humble

skill issue tbh

no, its rng and luck based! i was lagging!



TBH, when update 17 comes out, this game will be better than yours. The reason I say that is because axel used somethinG CALLED BROAD EXPANSION, where yours is depth based. broad-based expansion is much easier to code an engine to add depth, hence the upgrade bar. Also, you use a sprite per different type of tower. Also while your at it check my itch. update 3.2.5 of super td is coming in a few days.

wth are you talking about, explain depth based and broad based expansion. And are you talking about Axel or me? Because I only use one sprite for all the towers in the game, including powers.

also, you say "much easier to code" im the one who designed my engine, axel just remixed coollevix's project and he based it off that. Dont you think the designer of the engine would know exactly how to operate it?

i know every bit of operating the project lol

idk I remixed a long time ago, this new version is whole new engine so it’s gonna be a whole new game lol

one more thing, have you not even played my game? Do you not see how scarily accurate the popping physics are compared to axel's? Compared to axel's, I'm seeing that he may be using touching blocks and that isn't very optimal. I use distance formulas so that i can tell exactly what I'm hitting, hence every tack being separate in the tack shooters, axel uses a single sprite for his tack shooters meaning every bloon has to determine what it's being hit by. So he splits all different kinds of projectiles into each their own sprite so that the bloon knows what it's touching, I did this in BTD1 but i learned from my mistake. So I became smarter and coded my game the way it is now! Btw, i have 2 other bloons games, each improving on the other, I've only seen like maybe 3 other projects axel has related to bloons but I dont see any improvement except maybe some. Otherwise he just likes using CoolLeviX's base code. But hey that's just a theory.

there’s major improvement. From the discontinued version, it is much different. From Bloons td battles 2, two paths are added. Much improvement tjere.

I’m still improving tho. 

17.0 when? this is like gd 2.2 all over again

nahh you see im adding all three paths for all towers, adding all towers, and adding all bloon properties.. its going to take a long time. im also resdesigning the upgrade bar to be literally identical to the real version.


All i want to say is this is a great game and its so amazing how you put your time and effort onto a game so people can enjoy it. All i want to say thank you. Really thank you so much.

thank you, you're welcome :D

axel i left a game idea in your discord dm's!


can i get it on PC?


yes, download the html file-i will release it publicly.


where can I download the html?

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)

all is coming.

you really think crashing my browser is going to make me add these 2 towers?

hol up, what was the post


update 17 will be a massive update-i will be remaking the entire engine, meaning it will take a long time to code the whole project. any progress will unfortunately be deleted but it will be easier to recover any saved progress :)

all 3 upgrade paths will be added, several new maps to choose from, and much more is on its way to bloons td 6!


how to go to freeplay (i click it and it doesn't do it same so home button)

Those are temporary :) soon enough I’ll add free play rounds


Please replace the custom monkeys with missing support towers from the origanal game!!!

they are being removed this update in favor of the beast handler and spike factory coming next update 

Really Cool Game please fix bugs and update faster 

fix all bugs glitches please please in update 17 faster as you can !!!!

Alr thx

can you plz add spike factory

I’ll see… maybe update 18?


really cool game can't wait for update 17.0


axel can i please have u r discord

@chosen one #2042

is this correct


I sent you a friend request. It's Eoxygen#7650


axel, if you're available, let's meet again on discord i like talking to actual people, or you might just be getting ready for new year's

can’t today.

that's why im assuming you're getting ready for new year's


see you next year!

same to you 

UPDAte 16 is now out!

why does your game take 10 frikin minutes to load, while mine only takes like 2-4 min


(1 edit)

for me it only takes like 2 minutes bud

im not your bud, hop on my discord server we can talk heat there. Maybe since we own the game it loads faster for the dev

prob true; also by bud i mean "buddy" as in "bro calm down its a game"

but whatever it doesn't matter-what were your opinions on the update?

cool, hop on my discord server im on video call

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